April 13, 2009

Salamander with heavy weapon

Gobsmasha finally does another model... A Salamander wot likes to burn stuff.
Can't really have Salamanders and not have one or two multi-meltas, can I?


Elenaria CĂșthalion ni Aesin said...

I always get inspired by Sallie pictures! Also, did you freehand the salamander's head? It looks too good to be a transfer, but if it is, you've mastered an art I've never been more than a novice at...

And I do like the small flames you use. They are very distinct, and look very good.

Gobsmasha said...

Yeah I free-handed the chapter markings. I've had a fair bit of practice at doing it over the years, and while it's a bit of fiddle it's not that much work, really, because the field is black and so it's easy to paint around the edges and define the shape.

Sigil said...

Another excellent marine - I like the choice to have the backpack primarily done in black - it seems more menacing that way. *sigh* If only we could actually get these models on the table again soon. I've missed messing them up :-)

Gobsmasha said...

Thanks Sigil. The GW studio army has them all black. I've made a few bitz of mine green.