January 29, 2013

Ork Warboss

This is my warboss out of the Assault On Black Reach starter set.

Yes I'm still fishing bitz out of that. All my deffkoptas are in there waiting as well.

I took these pics before I undercoated him to show the greenstuffinf where I repositioned his head to be looking down where his power klaw is thrusting, and re-skulpted the neck. There's a metal pin through the middle of it around which I built the neck up and then greenstuffed it into shape.

I did this to give him a different front aspect, and to avoid that sense that the model has his arm out for no particular reason. Out of box, the model looks only vaguely like he's pointing.
With this modification he definitely doing something with that klaw, and bellowing fit to deafen anyone around.

I added the telescopic sight from the regular boyz box. IMO it's clearly Imperial tech and not a typical git-finda, so it's sort of odd to find on the boyz frame, but you can picture an Ork with clout having it fixed to his shoota and then not bothering to use it.
Let's be Orky about this:
they do not aim..... It just adds to the prestige of the weapon.

Finally I put a necron's head down there at his feet. I wanted to do something with the base but nothing too obvious.
Will post again when he's painted.

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