April 26, 2009

The Winter of our Chaotic Intent

I'd been thinking about my Chaos horde and what other direction I might take with it. It wasn't Norscan enough for my liking, and I've come up with a different approach.

I'll call this my Winter army, pending such time as a suitably brutal name comes to mind.
Here's the scheme, written for me to remember it as much as anything:
Cloak is khemri, up through graveyard to bleached bone, washed with watered-down scorched. Gloves, boots and belt are charadon, highlighted charadon/bleached bone mix. Fur is fenris up to shadow/space wolf mix. Lots of metals and asurmen and leviathan wash. Baal on the gold and tiny bits of red elsewhere.


Sigil said...

Yummy - looks much more likely to bump into a DE scouting force with that base scheme...

Elenaria CĂșthalion ni Aesin said...

Glad to see another addict of Charadon Granite *guilty*
I think that colour-scheme is going to be brilliant on larger quantities of Warriors, too.

Gobsmasha said...

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm feeling good about this one. And yes I really need to present some units.